Saturday, 23 February 2019

Hosting a Spring Get Together

With spring on its way, people start to come out of their shells (i.e., homes) and hang out more often with those they enjoy being around. Heck, I know that the few days we’ve had better weather here I’ve wanted to go out with friends more often (and even travel to their houses because ice and snow had gone away for a brief time).

So, maybe you should think about hosting a small get together for all those friends or family members who you haven’t seen since the holidays. I mean, it’s been almost three months since the major winter holidays that we all celebrate, and three months can seem like a long time since you last saw those people.

So break out the nicer place mats and have your buddies over. Whether you do something like celebrate Opening Day for baseball or play some video games that you all used to gather around and play in college, it’s always fun when someone decides to host an event just for the heck of it.

I know that my friend group always enjoys when I have people over for a themed event. For example, we had people over for a Mario Party release and it was a great excuse to kick back, have drinks, and play video games into the night. Some people stayed overnight and others left before bed, but it was honestly just fun to mingle and chat and catch up. Some of my friends even got to meet others they hadn’t known before, too.

If you’re struggling for ideas or things to do to make it fun, try hosting a dinner and putting candy boxes at everyone’s seat beforehand as a placeholder for those people to sit at that seat. Obviously, you’ll want to find out your friends’ favorite candies before getting specific candy boxes, but it’s a fun way to say “This is Jim’s seat” without actually putting his name down at the table. From there, dinner is up to you and you can have people bring their own drinks.

Whether you go out after dinner or decide to stay in and play cards, board games, video games, or watch something on television, your friends will appreciate that someone bit the bullet and decided to do what it takes to host an event. Not everyone enjoys setting these things up, but once it’s done, everyone always ends up agreeing that it was a much needed thing to stay close and catch up.

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